ClickCease Industrial cleaning company
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Industrial cleaning company

Find out how to optimize the hygiene of your business with our industrial cleaning services. Whether you are in Montreal, Quebec or the North, our tailored solutions will meet your specific needs. From industrial equipment maintenance to commercial housekeeping, we cover a wide range of services. Enjoy a competitive rate without compromising quality.

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The specificities of industrial cleaning

Industrial cleaning stands out for its adaptability to varied and specific environments. It can be applied in different contexts such as offices, schools, hospitals, food industries or even laboratories.

One of its main characteristics is the use of specific products, adapted according to the tasks to be carried out, the cleaning frequency and the size of the premises.

To guarantee effective cleaning, agents are trained in the legislative and regulatory requirements inherent to each activity. This training includes the use of production machines and specific industrial cleaning equipment.

Additionally, industrial cleaning helps extend the lifespan and smooth operation of machinery. It also helps purify the air, which promotes a healthy working environment.

Finally, industrial cleaning is also regulated by strict standards included in the Labor Code, to guarantee the safety and hygiene of the premises.

Frequently asked questions about industrial cleaning

What is commercial housekeeping?

Commercial housekeeping concerns the cleaning of professional premises such as office premises, businesses, or even catering establishments. It differs from industrial cleaning by the nature of the tasks carried out, which are often less heavy and more regular.

Services offered may vary from company to company, but generally include:

  • Floor cleaning (vacuuming, washing)
  • Dusting surfaces (desks, shelves)
  • Cleaning the toilets
  • Window washing

These services can be carried out on a regular or ad hoc basis, depending on the client's needs. Commercial housekeeping companies must also adhere to strict hygiene standards, to ensure a healthy and pleasant working environment.

What are the benefits of regular maintenance in business?

Regular commercial maintenance offers many advantages. It benefits the health of employees and customers by preventing the accumulation of dust and allergens. In addition, it contributes to safety by limiting the risk of falls through floor maintenance.

A clean and well-maintained premises also strengthens the company's brand image and builds trust with customers. Indeed, cleanliness is a fundamental aspect for places open to the public such as shops and supermarkets.

Furthermore, using a company specializing in industrial cleaning allows you to concentrate on the company's core business and improve productivity. The use of professionals guarantees an efficient service adapted to the specificities of the business.

  • Health
  • Security
  • Brand image
  • Customer trust
  • Productivity

In addition, regular maintenance helps preserve equipment and infrastructure, thus extending their lifespan. Deep cleaning can also target areas typically overlooked during traditional cleaning.

How to choose a cleaning company in Montreal?

To choose a cleaning company in Montreal, several criteria must be taken into account.

  • The experience
    A company with a long history of business will generally have more experience and be able to provide references from satisfied customers.
  • The reputation
    Opt for a company recognized for the quality of its services. Customer reviews can be a good indicator.
  • The specialisation
    Some companies specialize in industrial or commercial cleaning. Make sure the company you choose meets your specific needs.
  • Cleaning techniques
    The company must be up to date with technological advances in cleaning and use modern equipment.
  • Client service
    A good cleaning company should be easily contactable and responsive when needed.
  • The estimate
    Compare free estimates provided by multiple companies to ensure you get a competitive rate.

Finally, check that the company complies with strict health and safety standards.