ClickCease FAQ | Nuerava
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Frequently asked questions

General questions

What is the difference between cleaning, disinfection and sanitizing?

Cleaning removes dirt from surfaces. How does cleaning work? It can be supplemented with soap, detergents or water to physically get rid of impurities from objects. However, this step does not kill germs and viruses, it simply reduces their quantity and eliminates their risk of spreading unnecessary infection.

Therefore, disinfection takes place. It kills those nasty germs. How does disinfection work? The disinfection process is applied using chemicals. Although disinfection does not clean dirty surfaces, it helps further eliminate the risk of infection by killing germs and viruses.

As for disinfection, it reduces the number of germs to a safe degree, according to public health standards. How does sanitation work? By cleaning or disinfecting objects to reduce this unwanted infection.

How do you maintain carpets?

We vacuum the carpets on a pre-established schedule and we study your carpet to understand exactly how often it needs cleaning. We clean them so they dry in less than 12 hours! For a temporary and restorative cleaning, we keep you informed before launching any operation. We therefore consult with building management to ensure that the schedule and techniques are well established.

Our vacuum cleaner includes all the areas mentioned in floor cleaning. From the largest to the smallest areas, we focus on making every space shine flawlessly. We also only perform carpet extraction when needed and schedule it during periods of minimum occupancy.

How do you maintain floor treatments?

We are planning a full-fledged cleaning program including entrances, hallways, break areas, congested areas, main passageways and main work or office areas. We vacuum the floors and do not use a touch cleaning system for regular floor maintenance and to avoid damage. We also focus on low traffic areas, including conference rooms, administrative offices, auditoriums, media centers and any space with limited access or periodic use.

We leverage your experience by arranging floor stripping and refinishing during less busy times. We also provide you with reasonable notice before non-routine floor maintenance operations.

Our activities follow a predetermined schedule, to ensure their maintenance with precision. However, we only perform restoration when needed and we avoid spray-on floor restoration chemicals.

Why is having a professional company on board like NUERAVA essential for you?

You may think that hiring in-house staff would save you money. However, you will have to interview them, train them and acquire expensive equipment, not to mention all the payroll taxes and insurance, and of course you bear all the responsibility! Therefore, having a professional company on board like Nuerava is essential for both of you, in the short and long term.

Now that my office is sanitized, how long should I wait before going inside?

We use very advanced equipment to optimize your time. The products we apply and the methods we adopt only require 10 minutes before entering the room. Our high-tech equipment takes 2 minutes to kill the virus and 5 minutes to dry. We respect the value of your time. Therefore, we use high quality disinfectants for hospitals.

Why should we have an ATP test after cleaning?

The ATP test is essential in controlling cleanliness, to the point that it even adds meaning to the word “hygiene”.

This test is also crucial in determining the level of cleanliness of a surface. Sometimes you walk into a room, you can't find dirt everywhere, so you describe it as clean. But it's not always the case! You have to VERIFY if it's really clean or not. These nasty germs are invisible. Now with the ATP test you KNOW if that part is clean or not. It tells you, on the spot, whether the surface has been properly cleaned, and ultimately offers you an innovative approach and peace of mind. Recognizing its necessity, the ATP test is widely adopted for testing surfaces in the food industry and hospitals.